19 August 2021

The struggle for oxygen


The situation in Myanmar continues to escalate. For months, power struggles between the military and protesters have dominated the country, with over 1000 deaths so far. Now a new wave of covid-19 is claiming more lives. Due to the political unrest in the country, the inherently weak health sector has collapsed even further. A large number of clinics have no doctors and supplies of materials and medicines are no longer assured. In addition, under the new military government, the previously well-functioning precautionary measures against Covid-19 have not been continued. Vaccine is not available, protective clothing and materials to fight the pandemic are retained and regulated by the military.

Our crew at the Irrawaddy River Doctors in Bogale is also affected, the entire team was or is sick with Covid-19. Thankfully, everyone has survived the infection so far, albeit with some complications. There is little we can do from a distance, but at least we have managed to get 10 oxygen concentrators. These are now in constant use and are being made available to the most severe cases in Bogale. It is a drop in the ocean, but it gives the local people a little hope that they are not completely forgotten by the world.


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