The friends of the Artemed Stiftung

The Friends of Artemed Stiftung e.V. (Freundeskreis) support Artemed Stiftung as a development association in bringing healthcare to places that have previously been excluded from it. In addition, the Friends are committed to collecting donations for Artemed Stiftung and raising its profile.
Through benefit events, membership fees and other fundraising activities, the Friends of Artemed Stiftung finance life-saving acquisitions and activities. Since 2015, the Friends of Artemed Stiftung have been an important pillar of the Foundation.

Events & News

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The Friends of Artemed Stiftung play a part in bringing medical support to places in the world where patients would otherwise have no chance of recovery. Through the support of the association, important purchases can be made and treatments carried out.
All friends receive regular information about the foundation's projects. If they wish, they can visit the projects in person and get to know the actors and supporters. At the regular meetings of the Circle of Friends, all supporters can exchange ideas in an interesting network.
Here you have the opportunity to become a member of the Freunde der Artemed Stiftung e.V. association:
Statements of the Friends

Irene Liebler
Human Capital Director
"There is no reason and no "excuse" not to get involved in charitable projects. There are so many reasons to get involved for others. And there are just as many opportunities..."

Charlie Glass
"As a pianist and composer, I have had the privilege of entertaining guests at countless top events over the past three decades and playing music with world stars ..."

Doris Strube
Physiotherapist and school psychologist
"As a physiotherapist and school psychologist, and also as a mother, I have come to know a system in Germany in which preventive health care is ..."

Daniela Dinandt
Presenter, BR Television
"As a mother of four children who grew up in the idyllic Allgäu region, it is very important to me that we can all live in a world that is safe and in which we feel..."
Charlie Glass

As a pianist and composer, I have entertained guests at countless top events over the past three decades and produced music with world stars. In the process, I have encountered many faces, people, projects and plans, which has enabled me to develop a very good feel for the honest and truly heartfelt. In 2016, I was then asked by an agency friend of mine if I would play for a good cause without a fee?
And that's how the contact to Artemed Stiftung was established. When I got to know the aid projects on the evening of the event in the ballroom of the Deutsches Museum and experienced the enthusiasm of the people, I also wanted to become a member of the circle of friends.
At Artemed Stiftung , great things are really being achieved, real doers, not just big words. I've had a lot of luck with my art over the years, I've landed many a bestseller and I'm happy to be able to give a little something back from time to time. I hope that we can soon meet live at a gala or at an online event at Artemed Stiftung .
Irene Liebler

Human Capital Director
There is no reason and no "excuse" not to get involved in charitable projects. There are so many reasons to get involved for others. And there are just as many opportunities, foundations and initiatives to get involved personally or financially. Why Artemed Stiftung in particular?
For me, it was a very simple and straightforward decision to get involved with Artemed Stiftung - I know and appreciate the people involved and know that my contribution has an immediate impact. Artemed Stiftung works on the ground with helpers and volunteers. This particularly impresses me and is a role model for me. After all, time is a particularly valuable commodity that doctors, medical professionals and helpers contribute.
The topic of promoting health in regions that do not have adequate medical care has always moved me a lot. I enjoy traveling a lot with my husband and our daughters. In India and Tanzania, for example, we were able to experience what inadequate medical care means for the population and the negative impact it has on society and the economy. Currently, the pandemic has shown us what it means to have access to vaccinations, to be cared for in hospitals and to have health insurance if we are unable to work. Because I consider myself so lucky to be healthy, to have my family well looked after and to be able to afford to give something, I am happy to do so.
And I would also like to encourage others to get involved. My daughters have been donating their pocket money to the initiatives at Artemed Stiftung since they were twelve years old and are finding out about the projects. Perhaps our older daughter will then be able to support them locally as a doctor. Given the wide range of charity organizations and foundations, I am keen to draw attention to Artemed Stiftung . Artemed Stiftung does not invest in marketing, but in concrete actions and measures.
P.S.: In answer to the question of why support initiatives in Tanzania or Myanmar there is enough to do here on our doorstep! Yes, there is a lot to do here too, but one does not exclude the other!
Doris Strube

Physiotherapist and school psychologist
As a physiotherapist and school psychologist, and also as a mother, I have come to know a system in Germany where preventive health care and treatment are widely accessible at a high level. In areas where even basic needs, such as food, are not met as a matter of course, medical care is often neither accessible nor affordable.
During my stay in Asia for several years and during my travels in Asia, South America and Africa, the need of people, especially children and the sick, was palpable, especially in remote areas. These experiences have strengthened my desire to contribute to helping people in difficult circumstances, together with Artemed Stiftung.
The commitment and selfless dedication of the helpers on site in the projects of Artemed Stiftung is admirable. I am pleased to be able to make an active contribution to the work of the board of the Friends of Artemed Stiftung .
Daniela Dinandt

Presenter, Br Television
As a mother of four children who grew up in the idyllic Allgäu region, it is very important to me that we can all live in a world that is safe and in which we can feel secure. Unfortunately, the reality for many people is very different. For them, practically every Tag is a struggle for survival. How lucky we are to live in a country that has a functioning social security and healthcare system. This injustice has frustrated me for a long time, so even when I started earning my own money as a journalist, I felt a real need to give something away to help others. And let's be honest: a donation within our means doesn't limit our comfort in any way, but for people who are in need, who are poor, ill or homeless, every little amount means a great deal.
A few years ago, I found out about Artemed Stiftung through friends in Munich and joined the foundation's circle of friends shortly afterwards. What I particularly like about Artemed Stiftung is the feeling of closeness. The warmth and passion that the foundation radiates, as well as the focus on just a few projects that receive long-term support. I look forward to continuing to support Artemed Stiftung in the future so that many people have the chance of a better and healthier life.
Dr Wieland Holfelder

As a guest at the Foundation Gala, I got to know the Artemed Stiftung and the Circle of Friends. I am already involved in several organisations, such as the Friends of the Deutsches Museum and the Supervisory Board of the Rechts der Isar Hospital. The work of Artemed Stiftung convinced me to get involved here as well, because it provides targeted medical help where it is needed. What I particularly like is the focus on a few projects, which are supported in the long term and sustainably. This makes it very easy for donors and friends of Artemed Stiftung to see where and how the aid is going. When you have such excellent medical care as we do in Germany, it is very difficult to imagine what it is like to have to get by without even the most necessary medical care. Medical development aid often has a dramatic effect on health care and thus on the quality of life and dignity of the local people.
Tobias Kurz

Leonie Baur

Our supporters
