9 March 2021

Welcome, Geni Mabelya!


Since February 2021, Geni Mabelya has been strengthening the team at the St. Walburg`s Hospital in Tanzania. She studied psychology and public health and is now taking over the long-vacant position for this specialist area at the St. Walburg`s Hospital. In addition to treating acute illnesses, it is always important to us to strengthen prevention and get to the root of the problems. We are therefore delighted that we now have a highly trained member of staff on site. In an initial pilot project, she will focus on the health of mothers and children in the catchment area of the St. Walburg`s Hospital in particular the malnutrition of children. According to regional statistics, 32% of children are underdeveloped, 10% are underweight and 61% suffer from anemia. Geni will look at the causes of this and develop a program together with the mothers to improve the situation in the long term. We look forward to working with you!


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