November 24, 2022

Thank you for your support


We celebrate the willingness to help and thank you for your support!

Last Sunday, we were able to experience our annual fundraising event with you. Jo Wiemers hosted the evening together with Dr. Veronika Hofmann and Daniela Dinandt. Studio guests Dr. Benjamin Behar, Dr. Solveig Groß and Dr. Frank Vogel spoke - accompanied by video messages from our prominent supporters - about their work in the foundation's projects and current issues in Bolivia and Tanzania, Myanmar and Tanzania.

The musical contributions by KateNiss, Charlie Glass and Cross da Borderz as well as Wolfang Krebs' cabaret interludes made the evening an unforgettable event. The winner of our competition - Charlotte Götz - can look forward to a dream trip to the Baltic Sea on the MS Europa 2.

84,000 euros is this year's donation amount. In view of the current global political situation, we are very grateful for this generous support, which will ensure the stability and further development of our projects in the coming year. We would like to thank all of our donors!

Did you miss our foundation evening? You are welcome to watch our recording here: To the recording of our fundraising event

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