Dr. Silke Rausch has been on assignment with Artemed Stiftung many times. Both in Myanmar as well as in Tanzania. At the end of last year (2023), the anaesthetist, intensive care and emergency physician was once again able to help out with her expertise at our partner hospital in Nyangao (Tanzania).
Although she has been there many times, it is always exciting for her. Especially when she sees how everything has changed and how the various medical fields have developed.
During her assignment in November, she was involved in everyday hospital life from early in the morning until late at night. During the day, she primarily worked in the operating theater, while in the evening and often late into the night she helped out in the intensive care unit. This gave her a wonderful insight into the current state of anesthesia and the intensive care unit in the hospital. She discovered, for example, that some of the equipment is over 10 years old and needs to be repaired extremely often. Thanks to Ms. Rausch's initiative, some parts of the equipment could be replaced so that they are now running perfectly again.
Another thing she noticed was the lack of stethoscopes in the operating theater, which are now to be purchased.
The doctor was very pleased with the many improvements. For example, the trolleys in the operating theaters are now much better equipped than during her last stay. Hygiene has also improved considerably.
One highlight during her stay was a working day with Geni, when she and her team were able to take part in the nutrition and training project. She was particularly struck by the high level of motivation among the employees.
To sum up her assignment, she told the hospital management "It was a pleasure for me to work with you again, to support you and to learn from you. It's great to see the effort you have taken /done and to see lots of improvement compared to the last year(s). Please continue with your work and keep on going this way."