December 5, 2022

Cheers to volunteering


Our volunteer team has so many faces M.A.T.E.. M.A.T.E stands for Medicine- Administrative- Technical- Environment. The team comprises over 200 volunteers. Thanks to their help, 150 project assignments are carried out and several thousand hours of work are invested in the healthcare of our patients.

Today, on December 5, International Volunteer Day, we would therefore like to say a huge thank you to all our helpers. We greatly appreciate their tireless efforts around the clock, sometimes in extremely strenuous and dangerous situations. It is only through this support that we are able to provide the many children, women and men in our projects in BoliviaMyanmar and Tanzania the necessary medical care month after month. Ongoing motivation and the will to make a difference and achieve even more is crucial for successful project work, but certainly cannot be taken for granted.

Yes, our team has that many faces M.A.T.E. team - and there are more and more. You can find out why in this podcast by the organization Solidarität mit Waisen e.V. in conversation with Dr. Veronika Hofmann.

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