August 16, 2022

Stories that stay...


Dr. Marcelo from the Street Doctors in Bolivia was there from the very beginning. As a general practitioner, he has already seen a lot, experienced a lot and also healed a lot. Nevertheless, there are always stories and fates that are particularly close to his heart; stories that he never forgets. One such story is that of 15-year-old Madelen, which he told us:

Madelen never knew her father. As a half-orphan, she lived with her mother and siblings for several years until she also lost her mother in an accident. From then on, the girl lived on the streets and tried to somehow keep her head above water and organize the bare necessities to survive. For some time now, she has been living with her grandmother, who has to look after 13 other grandchildren in addition to Madelen. As a teenager, the young girl already has a great deal of responsibility here and has to help look after the children's bodies and well-being. They lack food, clothing and access to education. Above all, however, she lacks the financial means to afford medical care. This is how the Street Doctors became aware of the children and Dr. Marcelo got to know Madelen. As with many other street children, he carried out medical check-ups on her and treated her when she was unwell.

About two years ago, during one of the visits, it was discovered that Madelen was expecting a baby. The pregnancy turned out to be quite problematic and in the end the little boy had to be delivered by caesarean section in a hospital. Dr. Marcelo heard nothing more from her for two weeks until she finally contacted the traveling practice again seeking help with nausea, fever and severe pain. The young mother was very weak and it was nothing short of a miracle that she had even made it to the doctors with her newborn baby. However, the diagnosis was quickly made: The suture on the abdomen had become severely infected. The scar was very red, swollen and oozing pus. There was an acute risk of blood poisoning, which had to be treated immediately. The infection had most likely been caused by contaminated stitches that were still stuck in the wound. After Dr. Marcelo had removed these and disinfected the wound, the girl was allowed to sleep for a few hours while the Street Doctors staff looked after the baby. Madelen had to take antibiotics for a few more weeks until she was well again.

This treatment came at the last minute for the young woman - and she would never have been able to afford it herself - without it, she would probably have died. Then there would have been another orphan in La Paz.

Dr. Marcelo will never forget the anxious eyes of the patient with the baby in her arms, who was actually still a child herself. However, he is infinitely grateful that he was able to help the girl and her child and is delighted every time she comes to him for an examination with her little boy.

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