The concept of the "dolar blu" as a parallel currency, familiar from Argentina, also spread to Bolivia last year. The officially published exchange rate of the boliviano no longer plays a role in the exchange offices. They only exchange at an unofficial exchange rate in blue dollars, which has since plummeted. As a result, it is becoming more and more expensive for the population to acquire the dollar they need as a means of payment, money is worth less and less every day and many people cannot afford to live. More and more people are living in poverty.
In La Paz, this also affects the countless street children who live in hunger and need. Our team of Street Doctors provide medical and emotional support wherever possible, as much as possible. And now that Christmas is just around the corner, they are working with other helpers to collect toys for the street children, whose lives do not include a Christmas with family and presents. There is a small Christmas party in front of the hospital where the children can pick up a present. The initiative of a long-time employee. She used to be a street child herself and is now responsible for organizing medical care on the street, in the schools and for the children who live with their mothers in the women's prisons, some of whom have never seen life outside the prison walls. The medical team's work is infinitely difficult: Emotionally as well as professionally with the few resources available in the 3 outpatient clinics. There is a need for new medical equipment and instruments, medicines, fuel is also becoming scarce and increasingly expensive, and basic software for documenting treatments is urgently needed. Dr. Marchelo, the head doctor, tells us with fervour in the last online meeting - on the way to an emergency - "me encanta el trabajo, me siento muy felice..." in German: "mich fulfills and delights the work, it makes me very happy...".
We would like to thank our colleagues for their enthusiasm and tireless efforts. It is a matter close to our hearts that the Street Doctors can continue to bring urgently needed healthcare to the children of La Paz. We would like to thank you, our supporters, for your interest and your help.