May 28, 2024

Monthly report from Tanzania: News about the St. Walburg`s Hospital


At St. Walburg’s Hospital in rural southern Tanzania, thousands of patients are treated every month who would otherwise have no access to healthcare. The Artemed Stiftung supports the hospital in fulfilling this important task. Every month, we receive a detailed report from the hospital management about the activities and development of our cooperation. Here is the information for the month of April.

Patient numbers:

January February March April
OPD 4695 4457 4339 4555
INPATIENT 695 646 585 574
Under-five 1086 832 854 894
Pregnant (ANC) 407 458 433 532

(Major & Minor)

422 381 460 483
Physiotherapy 205 180 200 224


Current status St. Walburg’s Hospital

On April 27, a new ambulance was handed over to the hospital, which is financed by the Tanzanian government through the PPP (public private partnership). In addition, a one-day workshop was held to evaluate and revise the current SLA (Service Level Agreement). A new version is to be signed soon.

The first regular staff meeting of the year also took place in April. At these meetings, hospital employees are informed about the opportunities offered by the PSSSF (Public Service Social Security Fund), among other things. In addition, the financial report was presented and the important rules on hospital culture and cooperation were discussed.


Henrick Rausch visited St. Walburg's Hospital in April. Due to flooding, he was unable to complete the tasks he had originally planned. We will report on his exciting time in Tanzania in a separate article.


Community Healthcare and Outreach project:

In April, 587 young women were vaccinated against HPV as part of a nationwide campaign. This vaccination is considered one of the most effective preventative measures against cervical cancer. In addition, 437 women and young girls took part in training courses on the topic of violence prevention and health. In this context, the effects and causes of cervical cancer, as well as possible preventative measures, were also discussed. Cervical cancer screening was carried out on 80 women.

In addition to the vaccination of the women, 1456 children received standard vaccinations and were examined for malnutrition and anemia. Five girls and 15 boys were diagnosed with iron deficiency.

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