March 19, 2024

Ultrasound training with the Street Doctors


An ultrasound machine is commonplace in our surgeries in Germany. Almost everyone has had an ultrasound scan at some point. Pregnant women in particular are of course aware of the incredible possibilities that such a device offers. But anyone who has ever had to deal with abdominal complaints or suffered from joint problems has probably also been examined with it. The method is based on harmless sound waves, which are reflected to varying degrees depending on the condition of the tissue. The doctor can then draw conclusions about illnesses based on the resulting image. Another advantage is that it can be used on the move: small, portable instruments enable diagnoses to be made far away from medical facilities.

However, what is an everyday application here in the "western" world is not available everywhere in the world by default. And even where a device is available, there is often a lack of the necessary know-how to use it correctly and, above all, to be able to interpret and evaluate the images correctly.

Particularly in our project in Tanzania and in our mother and child center in Myanmar we therefore carry out regular ultrasound training courses. This enables the trained staff to operate the equipment independently. Patients in remote villages in particular benefit enormously from the possibility of obtaining a high-quality diagnosis with mobile instruments.

The professional sonographic application "on the go" is of course extremely attractive for our Street Doctors outpatient clinics in La Paz and means great added value for the patients. To make this possible, the foundation also organized certified courses for Bolivian staff at the beginning of 2024. These were gratefully received and have now been successfully completed. The participants in the training are now not only able to perform correct ultrasound examinations themselves, but should of course also pass on their newly acquired expertise to their colleagues. In this way, we can ensure that we as a foundation also benefit from the investment in the medium and long term and guarantee motivation among the courageous employees.

Of course, we are delighted with the keen interest shown by our colleagues in Bolivia on the one hand and the many people who can now be helped even better on the other.

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