March 11, 2024

Floods in Tanzania


After heavy rainfall in January and February this year, some regions in Tanzania have had to contend with severe flooding. Many parts of the country were cut off from the outside world for several days due to collapsed bridges or flooded roads.

Unfortunately, we are also receiving similar reports from the Lindi region, where our partner hospital is located. Here, too, the floods are making everyday life more difficult. The situation is particularly bad for the hospital, as many patients are unable to get to the clinic as a result. Unfortunately, the same applies to the staff: doctors, assistants and other employees are unable to go to work. Some have been hit particularly hard: The houses here were destroyed by rain and flooding. Fortunately, the situation is easing somewhat at the moment and the clean-up work can slowly begin.

However, it is to be feared that the extensive flooding will also have a negative impact on crop yields: The masses of water wash out the humus-rich topsoil, including seeds and seedlings. Once the water has receded, a lot of waste that has been washed from other places often remains in the fields. It is also likely that the drinking water has been contaminated as a result.

For now, however, we are grateful that the rain has stopped and the water is slowly draining away. Then, of course, we will try to support our colleagues on site as much as we can.

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