November 28, 2023

Monthly report from Tanzania: News about the St. Walburg`s Hospital


At St. Walburg’s Hospital in rural southern Tanzania, thousands of patients are treated every month who would otherwise have no access to healthcare. The Artemed Stiftung supports the hospital in fulfilling this important task. Every month, we receive a detailed report from the hospital management about the activities and development of our cooperation. Here is the information for the month of September.

Patient numbers:

January February March April May June July august Sept.
OPD 6615 6108 6994 6317 6063 4956 5490 5916 4451
INPATIENT 749 741 771 620 730 690 841 840 814
Under-five 2050 1748 2042 1982 2247 1989 2129 2253 1644
Pregnant (ANC) 478 450 510 424 542 536 586 565 351

(Major & Minor)

208 463 487 430 414 364 465 540 506
Physiotherapy 252 192 291 180 193 195 192 230 215

From the hospital:

In September, five new people were hired in administration to meet the growing demand in the area of management.


We can report on several missions in September. Mr. and Mrs. Niewiera visited the hospital once again to provide support with their medical expertise and conduct on-site training. Midwife Ruth Handte, who has long been part of the gynecology team at Artemed Stiftung , was on site for the first time and was primarily responsible for working in the delivery room and introducing statistics. During her stay, she attended around 30 births. Petra Wehrle helped in the clinic's radiology department.

Community Healthcare and Outreach project:

As part of the Community Healthcare project, 1409 children were vaccinated in September. Together with the 'Gender based violence' project, 711 girls and young women were educated about proper nutrition for their families and about their rights. As part of the visits, 732 children were also given a preventive check-up - a truly remarkable number. This resulted in 41 cases of anemia and 86 cases of malnutrition in children under the age of five. The children concerned were taken to hospital for treatment.

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