March 8, 2023

Help instead of roses


We are delighted with the news from the Heilig-Geist Hospital in Bensheim:

It was decided that no roses would be given to female employees for today's International Women's Day on March 8. Instead, the money will be used to support our mother and child center in Bogale, Myanmar to support it.

In Myanmar , 46 out of every 1,000 children currently die in their first year of life. At the Mother and Child Center, the foundation offers prenatal care, postnatal care, medical check-ups for children up to the age of one and health education. Several midwives, a gynecologist and a pediatrician look after the women and infants. Women can come for prenatal care 6 days a week.

You can also donate here: Donate to the Mother-Child-Center | Artemed Stiftung

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