February 24, 2023

Gynecological support in Myanmar


It's been a long time since Dr. Solveig Groß was the Irrawaddy River Doctors in Myanmar was able to provide support. Due to the pandemic and the military coup in the country, travel was virtually impossible. In 2022, Dr. Veronika Hofmann, Managing Director of Artemed Stiftung, was able to visit her colleagues on site for the first time.

Now, in February 2023, the time had finally come again and Dr. Groß was able to travel to the region for a few days as a gynaecologist. She had been looking forward to this assignment for a long time: the Mother and Child Center (MCC) in Bogale, which opened at the beginning of 2022, was created partly on her initiative: Now she was able to see it with her own eyes for the first time.

On the very first Tag of her stay, on February 19, SuSu proudly showed her around the center. She met the MCC team at Tag the following day, and the first important medical discussions were held, such as the extension of the cervical screening.

On February 21, the doctor traveled to KinTat village, where she discussed the possibilities of midwife training with the Burmese team, among other things. This was already carried out last Wednesday (23 February) at the MCC by Dr. Groß.

In between, she also had the opportunity to gain an impression of the current state of medical equipment and care on Polli, the floating clinic.

Dr. Groß will provide further training at the MCC for the remaining Tag and support the team in their day-to-day work.

We are already looking forward to hearing their detailed stories when they return.

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