February 17, 2023

Deployment despite baby

Every mother decides for herself whether to work with a baby or not.
'Our' Susu in Myanmar gave birth to a healthy baby in December - she is also doing well - and it is very important to her that other mothers are doing just as well: that is why she continues to work for 'her' other baby: the Mother and Child Center in Bogale.
We greatly appreciate their commitment - but would of course understand any other decision just as well.
Susu (Su Myat Oo) and her husband Min Min (Thang Min Len) are both native Burmese and live with their two daughters (Angel Min 10 years and Gloria Min 0 years) in the Irrawaddy Delta. They have been working for the Irrawaddy River Doctors and represent the Artemed Stiftung in Myanmar. In 2020, Susu completed her Master of Business at the Geneva Business School (Yagon). The mother and child center in Bogale, which opened in 2021, was largely developed through her efforts and is now also managed by her.

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