January 18, 2023

Monthly Report from Bolivia: News from La Paz


In La Paz, thousands of children struggle to survive every day because they have no access to medical care. Our Street Doctors are there for the children and look after their wellbeing in three mobile surgeries. The teams, consisting of doctors, dentists and paramedics, offer physical and psychological help free of charge, enabling many patients to receive the care they need every month. They not only help street children, but also visit prisons and schools, as well as families living in extremely poor conditions. Treatments and check-ups are offered and preventive measures are carried out.

Patient numbers for November 2022

A total of 1004 people received medical treatment from the team in La Paz in November.



Patients on the street Patients in prisons Patients in poverty Patients in schools
 0 - 5 years
64 24 70 1
 6 - 18 years
108 20 143 191
19 - 60 years
172 50 115 34
> 61 years
24 0 18 0
368 94 346 196

In October, after a two-year break, a team from Germany visited the Street Doctors in La Paz again. You can find an article about this under Mission in Bolivia.

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