October 22, 2022

Our baby gallery is online!


In January 2022, we opened our mother and child center in Bogale. It had long been a great wish of ours to have a central point of contact for expectant mothers and children in the Irrawaddy Delta to prevent pregnancy complications and reduce maternal and infant mortality.

Our center, under the management of Su Myat Ot, has now been in operation for almost a year. The increasing number of patients and deliveries shows that the center is very popular with the population. It is particularly pleasing that so many births are being carried out: Since the opening, over 30 little Burmese men and women have already been allowed to see the light of day here, under the best medical care. Thanks to today's technological possibilities, we - almost 9,000 km away - can share in each of these little miracles and rejoice with them. We would like to share this joy with them. That's why we now have a photo gallery of our babies on our homepage where every little new person is welcomed.

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