September 22, 2022

Monthly report from Tanzania: News about the St. Walburg`s Hospital


At St. Walburg’s Hospital in rural southern Tanzania, thousands of patients are treated every month who would otherwise have no access to healthcare. The Artemed Stiftung supports the hospital in fulfilling this important task. Every month, we receive a detailed report from the hospital management about the activities and development of our cooperation. Here is the information for the month of August.

Patient numbers:

















OPD 8395 7468 8313 8977 6628 6212 7636 7464
INPATIENT 768 581 679 623 551 627 701 727
Under-five 1514 1825 2135 2549 2374 2351 2193 2466
Pregnant (ANC) 359 397 495 495 532 506 598 623
Theatres (Major & Minor) 378 289 346 247 343 515 291 363
Physiotherapy 221 300 360 250 264 263 236 290


M.A.T.E.on-site operations:

In August, Dr. Marc Niewiera, head physician at the Eifelklinik St. Brigida Simmerath, and his wife visited St. Walburg’s Hospital for the first time. We will shortly be publishing a detailed report on their stay in Nyangao on our website. Dr. Titania Eberle has also travelled to Tanzania and will now be helping out in the obstetrics department of the hospital for the second time.

From our specialist groups:

In a long online meeting, the hygiene team discussed clear next steps for the next mission at the end of October and shared these with Dr. Kasoga in Nyangao. The primary aim is to implement training in hand hygiene and surgical cleaning. In addition, the aim is to ensure that sufficient cleaning materials and surgical gowns are available on site.

Community Health Project:

As part of the project, over 3,000 young children were vaccinated against polio for the third time in August. This means that these children are now fully immunized. In addition, 538 children were examined during visits to six different locations. It turned out that 36 of them suffer from iron anemia. In addition, 120 children were found to be severely malnourished in some cases. We hope to be able to help these children by providing medical care and educating the mothers about a balanced diet.

During the training sessions held in August, 707 women were taught. As in the past, the focus was on proper nutrition, hygiene and healthy breastfeeding habits. The topics of 'family planning' and sustainable fruit and vegetable cultivation were also discussed.


Preparations are currently underway for the installation and introduction of the laparascop by Dr. Solveig Groß. With this device, it should be possible in future (initially) to perform minimally invasive surgical procedures in the field of gynecology.


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