15 February 2022

Baby No. 3


The increasing Covid-19 infections in Myanmar are unfortunately making our mobile operations in the Irrawaddy Delta even more difficult. It is therefore all the more pleasing that we opened the inpatient mother and child center in January 2022, where we can continue to work actively.

On January 17, 2022, a low of just under 100 new cases of Covid-19 infections per day was reached in Myanmar . There was hope that another wave was over. Unfortunately, however, the numbers have risen sharply again since then. On February 14, 2022, almost 1600 new cases and an incidence of over 1400 were reported. For our Irrawaddy River Doctorswho are also struggling with some positive cases among employees, this means a suspension of operations for about 10 days. After the months-long lockdown in 2020 and the shutdown of the boat for several months due to the military coup in5 2021, this situation is very unsatisfactory for our emergency services.

Nevertheless, there is still good news to report from Myanmar : Our Mother and Child Center, which opened in January 2022, is very well received by the population: Significantly more women than expected came for a preliminary examination in the first month and for the third time we received the news of a healthy newborn girl!

A great performance by our colleagues on site, who are not letting this difficult situation get them down.

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