September 23, 2021

Training for mothers on the topic of nutrition launched


As part of the prevention work of Artemed Stiftung , training courses on nutrition and hygiene are held in the area surrounding St. Walburg's Hospital in Tanzania. Our employee Geni Mabelya is currently going to the surrounding villages to pass on her knowledge to the women, particularly about proper nutrition for children. This is because 480 of the 590 households surveyed in the villages have underweight children under the age of 5. Previous discussions with the mothers have shown that it is mainly due to a lack of knowledge, especially for the first year of the baby's life. The main topics discussed are therefore breastfeeding, the correct preparation of baby food, water quality and vitamin-rich local food. In addition, of course, the great poverty of the families also plays a role. 80% of the households surveyed live on less than 1,000 Tanzanian shillings a day (equivalent to USD 0.48). Topics such as home-grown fruit and vegetables and ways of generating income are therefore also discussed.

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