8 June 2021

Artemed clinics support Movetivation to help


St. Elisabethen-Krankenhaus Frankfurt took part in the Movetivation to help. On a weekend in May, the employees ran over 400 kilometers, bringing us 400 kilometers closer to our projects. The hospital covered the donations! We are delighted about so much commitment!

You too can support us in reaching our second stage - Myanmar - to reach:

Collect kilometres on your "moving" undertakings and donate 1 EURO per kilometre!

This is how it works:

  1. Download your scorecard now and register for free to never miss any updates.
  2. Collect your kilometres in your personal scorecard. This is for your personal mileage record and does not need to be sent to us.
  3. Donate the corresponding amount (1 km = 1 Euro) with the note MOVE to our donation account IBAN: DE73 7002 0270 0015 1605 09 BIC: HYVEDEMMXXX. Of course you can also donate online via our donation button or the barcode below.



Please note that we will only issue a donation receipt if the donation exceeds EUR 300 - below this amount, the bank statement is considered a donation receipt.

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