May 29, 2021

We have signed the Fair Share Commitment!


With Artemed Stiftung , we are bringing healthcare to places around the world that were previously excluded from it. Our observation is that in hardly any other sector does it have such devastating consequences as in healthcare if women have no or only limited access to it. Equal rights are essential here to ensure the survival of children and families. We are therefore increasingly committed to empowering women in our projects.

Fair Share has given us the impetus not only to strive for equality in our projects, but also to take a look at the situation in Germany. We had a rough idea of what the distribution of leadership positions in the non-profit sector looked like, but the Fair Share Monitor has now given us certainty. And with it the call to correct the imbalance. The debate that Fair Share is launching is long overdue and very necessary. We were happy to sign the Fair Share Commitment as we share the vision of gender-equitable management levels in the non-profit sector by 2030 and are making our contribution to this. We are grateful to the initiators for their courage, pledge our full support and look forward to the exciting journey together.

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