3 February 2021

Tense situation in Tanzania

The team at St. Walburg's Hospital is under great pressure because, as in the whole country, cases of lung diseases are also increasing in Nyangao. "Pneumonia Kali" is rampant. This is what Tanzanians call the disease pattern that resembles the symptoms after Covid-19. However, the president of the East African country has declared that there is no Covid-19 in Tanzania and it is forbidden to talk or write about it publicly under threat of punishment. Tests may only be carried out throughout the country by the government laboratory in Dar Es Salaam, which cannot cope with this huge task. Therefore, there is still no reliable information on the number of infections. In addition, vaccinations are officially rejected and there are no efforts by the government to provide vaccines.
Under such conditions, it is extremely difficult to St. Walburg`s Hospital to establish safe handling of patients. Hospitals are not receiving any support or equipment from the government to contain the pandemic. Hygiene measures and the isolation of patients are being viewed extremely critically by the authorities. Nevertheless, the hygiene concept developed with a team of experts from Artemed Stiftung is being adhered to as best as possible and patients are being treated according to current standards. Our German and Tanzanian doctors are in constant contact in this regard.
FFP2 masks, protective clothing and medicines are urgently needed, please help us support the team on the ground in their uphill battle.

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