February 12, 2020

Progress in Tanzania


Big changes are coming to Tanzania in 2020! The outdated electrical system will be completely renovated and brought up to date. We also hope to St. Walburg`s Hospital to provide a stable and useful IT infrastructure this year. Together with Rohde & Schwarz, who are supporting us in word and deed, a comprehensive overall technical concept has been developed. We are delighted to be working with the Munich-based electronics group once again!

The first preparatory work has already started and a new building for the technical center on site is already under construction. The necessary technical equipment will then be shipped to Tanzania in the near future and work can then begin.

Our technical director of the foundation's projects, Henrik Rausch, was able to experience the importance of well-functioning technical equipment directly on site at the St. Walburg`s Hospital experienced: One night, the power in the hospital failed again. But even the emergency generators did not start up as they should have. This could have meant death for the patient in the ongoing operation. Fortunately, the story had a happy ending. But for Henrik Rausch it was clear: it can't stay like this!

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