November 15, 2019

Maintenance and training assignment Dr. Silke and Henrik Rausch


Our floating clinic of the Irrawaddy River Doctors in Myanmar is enjoying increasing demand from the public, but the intensive daily use also takes its toll. The technical systems on board are subject to increased wear and tear, partly due to the sometimes extreme climatic conditions. At the same time, medical requirements are changing and operational processes must be constantly improved and adapted to the increasing number of patients.

Dr. Silke and Henrik Rausch therefore travelled once again to the Irrawaddy River Doctors. Together with the doctors and nurses on board, Dr. Silke Rausch revised the medication plan and adapted it to the actual requirements.

Previously trained topics were reviewed and, where necessary, improved or refreshed. New emergency kits for the ship and for emergencies in the villages were introduced. Dr. Silke Rausch then practised the correct use of these with the crew as part of realistic emergency training. In addition, daily ultrasound training sessions were held and Dr. Silke Rausch supported the young doctors with her experience in treating patients.

At the same time, our technical manager Henrik Rausch carried out numerous necessary repairs and maintenance work together with our local electrician. In addition, the first subsystems of the planned expansions to the electricity and drinking water supply and IT systems were successfully installed and put into operation, and the technical crew was trained on them. These investments will enable even more efficient, economical and environmentally friendly operation in the future.

We thank them both for their commitment!


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