September 26, 2019

Midwife on board


From 01.-13.09.2019 Nurith Frövel, midwife from Berlin, was on assignment at the Irrawaddy River Doctors. As the boat was in the shipyard a little longer than planned, she used the waiting time to visit schools with the crew and provide health education. She also spontaneously took care of some pregnant women in the villages. She dedicated her time on board entirely to prenatal care and introduced a special reporting system for this purpose, for example. Together with the doctor Dr. Khine Khine, she also carried out numerous prenatal care sessions. The plan is to combine these with nutritional advice in the future, for which she has made some preparations. On her return, she immediately offered the next assignment for March 2020, as she sees a need for this and was so impressed by the warmth of the people.

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