At the end of December '24, the renovation of the laundry in St. Walburg’s Hospital in Nyangao was completed. All three new washing machines are now fully operational, the hot water pipe from the roof to the machines has been insulated against heat loss and the intelligent electric auxiliary heating system for the hot water tanks on the roof has also been connected.
During the day, when the sun is shining, sufficient hot water is continuously produced via the solar thermal system so that there is still enough hot water available to start work the next day. The electric auxiliary heating of the hot water tanks on the roof is only activated if there was too little sunshine the day before and the hot water is therefore no longer hot enough the following day.
All three washing machines are connected to the IT network in Nyangao. The employees in Nyangao have been trained to use the washing machines and are already using them on a daily basis. Until recently, washing had to be done by hand! Thanks to the generous donation from Marion and Laurenz Herting, this project could be implemented, which represents a milestone for hygienic work, especially in the operating theater and of course in many areas of the hospital.