January 6, 2024

Helping by listening and talking


Domestic violence and poverty among women - our Tanzanian employee Joan is confronted with these issues on a daily basis. And she tirelessly visits the villages around Nyangao to talk about women's rights and how they can help themselves. She often reaches several hundred people every month; more and more men too. In addition, she always has an open ear for those affected and provides them with help and advice.

In November 2023, she had almost 200 visitors at her workshops. She was able to see that her work in the past was already bearing fruit, as some women were already well informed and had sought help on their own.

In the village of Utimbe, Joan was able to help two women directly by listening and talking to them: 20-year-old Somoe wants an official divorce from her husband, who does not take care of his wife or their children. As a result, there are more and more riots in the family. Joan was able to persuade Somoe to seek professional help from the competent court, which will now carry out a proper divorce and ensure that the father of the children contributes his financial share to the family.

She also spoke to Mrs. Hamisi, who lost her daughter at the birth of her grandson Waziri, who is now 11 months old. She was given custody of the grandson, which presents her with major financial problems. With Joan's help, a kind of family council was convened so that Hamisi can now hope for support from various family members.

It is always amazing to hear Joan's stories: So often listening, advice and good words can help.

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