May 4, 2020

Update on electrical and IT refurbishment in Tanzania


Our big project for this year in St. Walburg`s Hospital Tanzania is the renovation of the electrical and IT systems. We have been working intensively on the preparations since the end of 2019. The new technical center has already been built at the hospital in Nyangao. In Germany, we have collected almost 7 tons of equipment and have it packed and ready for shipment on the ramp. It should have started its journey by ship in the next few weeks. At the same time, we procured additional installation materials in Tanzania. These have now been stored in a container on the hospital's premises. Covid-19 has slowed us down and the virus is currently keeping us on our toes in Germany and Tanzania. We very much hope that we will be able to resume work in the coming months and create the technical foundations for better medical care that are so important for the hospital.

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