December 16, 2019

Project I.N.G.E.


The planning for the I.N.G.E. prevention project was largely completed in the fall and three villages were selected from the applicants for the pilot project. The focus in the first step is to find the local structures, such as local committees and schools/teachers, that will take the project to the villages in order to achieve the urgently needed improvements together.

Some facts that illustrate the hardship in the villages:

Approximately 1075 people live in 265 households in the 3 villages. They have a total of only 65 very simple (!) latrines and only one fresh water tank per village. In addition, there are not enough teachers available for the 147 children in the elementary school to meet the minimum requirements. (We will therefore support with personnel here as well). Our training courses for active self-help will now start as early as January. In addition, the most important material donations for the construction of the simplest toilets and waste collection points will be made available in the coming weeks and months. The pilot will run until the end of June 2020, when we will analyze together where we need to focus in the future.

We also appreciate your support for the project!

[gdlr_button href="" target="_self" size="large" background="#fec428″ color="#ffffff"]DONATE TO I.N.G.E.[/gdlr_button]

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