December 17, 2019

2 helpers from Bavaria on board


In mid-November, Dr. Mathilde Witt, gynaecologist from Bad Endorf, and Katharina Lang, head of the cardiac catheterization laboratory at the Benedictus Hospital in Tutzing, boarded the ship of the Irrawaddy River Doctors.

On the agenda for Dr. Witt was an in-depth look at prenatal care. In particular, she trained the team on the topics of gestational diabetes and (pre)eclampsia. She also taught ultrasound examinations not only in gynecology and obstetrics, but also in internal medicine and urology.

Ms. Lang carried out hygiene training with the entire crew on board and actively supported the care of patients on board: registration, dispensing medication and assisting with minor procedures. She also trained the team in the evaluation of ECGs.

Prophylaxis projects were also carried out on land in the schools.

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