July 8, 2019

More hygiene step by step


One of the biggest and most important challenges in our projects is hygiene: how do we manage to work hygienically under the often difficult local conditions so that germs and bacteria are not spread even further?

A project team has been working on this for St. Walburg’s Hospital in Tanzania since July. Sustainable plans are being drawn up to help make working practices safer for patients and staff. Ira Arnz, specialist nurse for hygiene at the Hospital zum Heiligen Geist Kempen, Angelika Hartmann specialist nurse for hygiene at the Hospital zum Heiligen Geist Kempen, Sr. Dr. med. Ulla Mariam Hoffmann, internist, infectiologist and doctor for palliative medicine at Benediktus Krankenhaus Tutzing, Serpil Urgulu, surgical nurse at Chirurgisches Klinikum München Süd, Thomas Wandl, specialist nurse for hygiene at Chirurgisches Klinikum München Süd and Dr. med. Uwe Werfel, internist, infectiologist and hospital hygienist at MVZ Dr. Stein und Kollegen in Mönchengladbach make up the team. Many of them have already worked for the foundation in Tanzania or other projects.

We are delighted that they are making their expertise available to us for the foundation's projects.

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