April 25, 2019

Workshop in Tanzania


A change in management personnel in St. Walburg`s Hospital in Tanzania was a good reason for the mission team, consisting of Dr. Solveig Groß, Dr. Veronika Hofmann, Dr. Silke Rausch and Henrik Rausch, to travel to Nyangao. The hospital has been under new management since January 2019. The experienced hospital manager Charles Laiser has taken over the management of the hospital, while Dr. Francis Msagati continues to be the medical director.

The future strategy was discussed at a workshop. The agenda included improving both the technical and medical infrastructure and raising medical standards. The three-day exchange was professionally challenging, inspiring and very fruitful, and from stabilizing the power supply to improving the personnel situation, there are now detailed plans that need to be implemented in the coming months and years. We are very much looking forward to tackling the tasks together.

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