About the project
Every month, up to 200 patients are treated daily. Treatment rooms, an ultrasound and ECG machine, medicines and a small laboratory are available for this purpose. There is also a dentist with a practice on board. In addition to treating acute cases, prevention work in the villages and schools is an important pillar of the work of the Irrawaddy River Doctors.
A Burmese team saving lives
The medical team of the Irrawaddy River Doctors consists of a doctor, a dentist, three nurses, a laboratory technician and a crew of twelve. Thanks to the establishment of a branch office of Artemed Stiftung in Myanmar , all employees are employed by us on a long-term contract.
Since 2016, Thang Min Len has been managing the project in Myanmar together with his wife Su Myat Oo.
Close exchange with the M.A.T.E.s
The number of patients is constantly increasing. In order to cope with this increase, it is important that medical standards are further developed and work processes are optimized. Our German M.A.T.E. team takes care of this on site or through webinars. Through regular exchanges and monthly reporting, both in the medical field and financially, we can guarantee transparent management of the project.
Medical Advisory Board
The medical advisory board of Artemed Stiftung is constantly taking care of defining the project strategy, planning the missions professionally and has the acquisition of important equipment and the establishment and expansion of various prevention and screening programmes on the agenda.
What we do
Family practice
approx. 1800 patients per month
Laboratory for diagnostics, ultrasound, ECG
Medical guidelines & medicines according to WHO standard
Recording of patients according to ICD classification
Pre-natal care
Preventive check-ups for babies under 1 year of age
Worm prophylaxis for children
Midwifery training
Prophylaxis against malaria and dengue fever
Dental practice
- 300 patients per month
Tooth preservation through fillings
Training of the population on hygiene, dental health, avoidance of smoking when cooking and on diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
Hein Hthe Te Kos History
The little Burmese boy Hein Hthe Te Ko no longer has a mother. She died giving birth to him six months ago in their hut in the remote Irrawaddy Delta. With a preventive check-up during pregnancy, the mother's death could have been avoided in all probability. It is relatively easy to foresee complications during birth and to avoid them with a planned caesarean section in hospital.
But the reality is different for most women in southern Myanmar. Very few of them have the opportunity to receive medical assistance during their pregnancy; there are simply no services available. The approximately 10% of all women who experience complications during childbirth are left to their fate. With the clinic ship of the Irrawaddy River Doctors the Artemed Stiftung already brings prenatal care to some remote villages.
Together we are stronger
Since 2016, we have been cooperating in the "Delta Docs" working group with the Swimming Doctors and the Amara Mobile Clinic, both of which are also active in the Irrawaddy Delta. In regular meetings, we exchange information on topics relevant to all three of us, such as medical standards or developments in the health care system in Myanmar .