September 28, 2024

Major progress on the stove project


Last Saturday, there was a big event in Nyangao at which our project manager Benedikt Lenz was also present. The aim of the event was to present the planned Kocher project (we reported on this in the 2022 magazine, page 24) to potential users, as well as the authorities and other influential people - for example members of the diocese. The interest was overwhelming: over 300 participants came together, including many women from the region, to have the benefits and use of the innovative cooking facility explained to them.

The day began with a free breakfast together. Afterwards, the head of St. Walburg’s Hospital addressed the audience with a few words of welcome. Mr. Lenz then introduced the project and a short film illustrated the use of the stoves. The hospital's Social Wellfare Officer Joan explained why the new way of cooking not only makes work easier and promotes health for the residents themselves, but also has a positive global impact on the climate and environment. He referred to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG - we reported on this in our 2023 series) and showed how replacing the conventional cooking method with the modern way can help to achieve the goals. The event concluded with another meal together.

The audience showed great interest by asking various questions and taking part in a lively discussion. The future users also responded extremely positively to the idea and took the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the stoves on site. Almost all of them were quickly convinced of their benefits and stated that they would replace their old cooking facilities as soon as possible.

It's great to see that the project is now making such great progress towards implementation and is obviously meeting with great approval and enthusiasm among the population.

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