Two scholarship holders return to Nyangao as medical specialists
In a video meeting, Doris Strube congratulated the two scholarship holders Dr. Mtomo and Dr. Msagati on behalf of the Circle of Friends of the Artemed Stiftung, who have successfully completed their specialist studies - sponsored by the Circle of Friends - and are now carrying out their valuable work at St. Walburg’s Hospital in Nyangao. We would like to congratulate the two doctors!
Dr Msagati, who specializes in internal medicine, and Dr Mtomo, who specializes in orthopaedics, returned to Nyangao at the turn of the year. Both are well known to the hospital as they were already working there before their specialist training. They are now highly motivated and full of drive to strengthen medical care at the hospital and further develop their departments.
Their first impression of their respective departments is very positive. "A lot of patients come to St. Walburg's Hospital to be treated here," says Dr. Msagati. They have also noticed that many patients come to the hospital late and with severe complaints. There are many reasons for this - a lack of awareness of their health, often the long distances they have to travel to the hospital or simply a lack of financial means to seek treatment earlier.
Dr. Mtomo and Dr. Msagati face additional challenges right from the start: Due to the high workload, the X-ray and ultrasound equipment is overloaded or no longer fully functional. This makes the quality of diagnostics much more difficult. Despite these hurdles, the two motivated doctors are highly committed to their patients.
Thanks to the scholarships, the St. Walburg’s Hospital to retain highly qualified specialists in the long term and develop specific medical skills. They thus make an important contribution to the sustainable development of the hospital. We would like to thank the Friends of the Artemed Stiftung for their great support in making the scholarships possible! There are currently 11 more scholarships in progress - for specialist studies, but also for studies in nursing sciences, pharmaceutical technology and accounting. We wish all scholarship holders continued success!