2024 was an extremely eventful year for the Artemed Stiftung. Great progress was made in all three projects and patient numbers are once again well above those of the previous year. In Myanmar this is due to the fact that the Irrawaddy River Doctors have been "overrun" since late summer by the rural population, who have gratefully taken advantage of the medical help. Their financial situation is becoming increasingly difficult, not to mention the political situation - the cost of rice and fuel has risen threefold and medicines and healthcare are usually unaffordable. Added to this are the patients of the Swimming Doctors, who have also been sailing under the Artemed Stiftung flag since September. And more babies have been born at the Mother and Child Center. The Street Doctors in La Paz , Bolivia, are treating more and more children and young people and have been able to significantly increase the number of preventive medical check-ups thanks to more frequent visits to schools. In Tanzania, a particular highlight of the community health projectis the program to combat malnutrition in children under the age of 5. In the second half of the year alone, almost 1,000 malnourished children were helped; the severe cases require very extensive treatment at St. Walburg’s Hospital. An important measure to reduce maternal mortality is the admission of women with high-risk pregnancies or difficult pregnancies before the birth, so that the journey to the delivery room is very short when labor begins or an emergency occurs.
2025 is already a month old and the Artemed Stiftung 's projects are constantly evolving.
We would like to thank you for your generous support and willingness to donate in 2024 and ask for your financial help in 2025 as well, so that we can alleviate the growing need and give "health" to as many people as possible.