At St. Walburg’s Hospital in rural southern Tanzania, thousands of patients are treated every month who would otherwise have no access to healthcare. The Artemed Stiftung supports the hospital in fulfilling this important task. Every month, we receive a detailed report from the hospital management about the activities and development of our cooperation. Here is the information for the month of September.
Patient numbers:
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | august | Sept. | ||
OPD | 4695 | 4457 | 4339 | 4555 | 4520 | 4405 | 6185 | 5688 | 5985 | |
INPATIENT | 695 | 646 | 585 | 574 | 658 | 661 | 820 | 738 | 677 | |
Under-five | 1086 | 832 | 854 | 894 | 790 | 690 | 1018 | 1012 | 1064 | |
Pregnant (ANC) | 407 | 458 | 433 | 532 | 517 | 390 | 522 | 446 | 459 | |
(Major & Minor) |
422 | 381 | 460 | 483 | 494 | 483 | 558 | 439 | 405 | |
Physiotherapy | 205 | 180 | 200 | 224 | 256 | 209 | 204 | 286 | 289 |
Current status St. Walburg’s Hospital
September 18, 2024 will go down in history as a very important date for St. Walburg's Hospital Tag : It was awarded the title "St. Walburg’s Hospital Nyangao Referral Hospital", which makes the hospital a facility of regional significance. A great many conditions had to be met in order to achieve this status, so the staff can now be all the more proud of the new award. The certification not only has symbolic value, but also helps to implement the planned projects, such as improving the infrastructure or training qualified staff.
In September, project manager Benedikt Lenz, Mr. Bernd Almus, Ms. Nurith Frövel in the obstetrics department(we reported) and Mr. Erik Lewerenz visited Tanzania. Mr. Lewerenz primarily supported the hospital in analyzing the procurement processes.
Community Healthcare and Outreach project:
Im Rahmen des Community Healthcare and Outreach Projektes konnten im September 211 Frauen und junge Mädchen auf Gebärmutterhalskrebs untersucht werden. Bei 682 Kleinkindern (< 5 Jahre) wurden Vorsorgeuntersuchungen durchgeführt. Dabei wurde bei 86 Kindern eine Mangelernährung festgestellt. Sieben der Kinder befinden sich in einem kritischen Zustand. Nur drei von 676 getesteten Kinder wiesen eine Anämie auf, die behandelt wurde. Darüber hinaus wurden bei den Besuchen und in der Klinik insgesamt 1023 Kinder geimpft.
During the visits to the villages in the area, 802 women and 44 men were taught about proper nutrition, domestic violence and women's rights at various workshops and events.