Jeden Monat schickt uns unsere Projektleiterin in Myanmar Su Myat Oo (genannt Su Su) eine Zusammenfassung der Aktivitäten bei den Irrawaddy River Doctors und im Mutter-Kind-Zentrum. Darüber hinaus gewährt sie uns Einsichten in die aktuelle Lage im politisch instabilen Myanmar und welche Auswirkungen dies auf die Menschen vor Ort hat.
Wir geben ihren eindrucksvollen Bericht im Original in Englischer Sprache wieder. Hier sind ihre Beobachtungen für den Monat Juli.
Dear Dr. Veronika,
I hope you are fine and healthy. I am writing a monthly overview report for our July trip and activities. During July we continued to provide medical treatment for 14 villages.
According to our trip schedule, our team was 24 days on the boat and visited 14 villages. The ICD results shows that we got the total amount of 2501 patients. This includes both general patients (1740) as well as dental patients (761) in percentage 30 %. We also did check-ups for 75 pregnant women who came to our boat for AN care, for 59 of them we did laboratory test. 226 additional laboratory test have been conducted for other patients. 648 children came for medical check-ups, medical treatment or dental treatment. 59 of them were younger than one year old. The total deworming number for July, is 400.
The most frequent deseases our team was confronted with during July were seasonal flu, coughing, respiratory infection, headache, Malaria, Dengue, Hepatitis, Syphilis, HIV, diabetes mellitus disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, Arthropathies.
Concerning the dental treatment, we helped people with dental caries, periodontitis, gingivitis, sometimes oral ulcer and tongue ulcer due to sharp edges of the teeth and root rests. Many other problems have been treated as well. We shared knowledge about how to care teeth, and we support related medicine for some dental patients. During this trip the number of patients increased compared to the June, because both adults and children get sick during the rainy season. For many patients with difficult diagnosis the IRD mpbile CLinic POlli was the only and last chance to get help.
Additional to the medical treatments we also visited two schools for Health Education and Dental Education.There we shared health education knowledge and dental education knowledge. Our main purpose is to enhance student’s knowledge, skills and foster a positive attitudes about health. After our events students are motivated toimprove and maintain their health. Anaagous to the onths before we distributed tooth brushes and tooth pastes, mosquito repellent lotions and antibacterial hand washing soaps.
In July, we also had a visite of two German colleagues: Mr. Michael and Dr. Juliana. They came and visited our boat Polli and signed employee contracts and helped to monitor the medication quality on the boat. I hope they enjoyed their trip. Now, our team has restarted for August trip.
I would like to thanks to Artemed Stiftung and all donors for your continue support and love for Myanmar People in Delta. God Bless You all more and more. And wishing you all the best.
With Best Regards!
Su Su @ Myanmar
With Best regards,
Su Su
Neuigkeiten aus dem Mutter-Kind-Zentrum, Bogale
Im Juli wurden 18 Babies in unserem MCC geboren. Alle kamen gesund zur Welt. Insgesamt besuchten 279 Frauen zu Vorsorgeuntersuchungen das Zentrum. Acht kamen zur Nachkontrolle und 43 wegen anderen gynäkologischen Beschwerden.
Alle 19 Babies wurden vorsorglich untersucht. Außerdem kamen weitere zwei Kleinkinder ins MCC zur Untersuchung.
Schauen Sie doch auch mal in unsere Babygalerie: Hier werden alle Kinder, die im MCC geboren wurden, willkommen geheißen.