24. November 2023

Monatsbericht aus Myanmar: Su Sus News and Insights


Jeden Monat schickt uns unsere Projektleiterin in Myanmar Su Myat Oo (genannt Su Su) eine Zusammenfassung der Aktivitäten bei den Irrawaddy River Doctors und im Mutter-Kind-Zentrum. Darüber hinaus gewährt sie uns Einsichten in die aktuelle Lage im politisch instabilen Myanmar und welche Auswirkungen dies auf die Menschen vor Ort hat.

Wir geben ihren eindrucksvollen Bericht im Original in Englischer Sprache wieder. Hier sind ihre Beobachtungen für den Monat Oktober.

Dear Dr.Veronika,

I hope you are in good health. I am writing a monthly overview report for IRD October trip and activities. In this month, we provided our medical treatment to 13 villages.

Our team had undergone the medical trip from 1st to 24th of October according to the trip schedule. The ICD result showed that there are 1682 general patients and 126 dental patients (1808 in total). Among these patients, about 3.6% (65 in number) were pregnant women who visited the boat for AN care. Additionally there were 442 boys and girls between 1 and 15 years, who came for medical check-ups and treatment. The number of children under one year was 23(1.3%). We did screening test regarding comprehensive AN care to 50 pregnant women and a total of 266 patients did laboratory testing. Moreover, we provided deworming to 400 patients in total.

During this month, our team provided the general medical treatment such as Idiopathic Anaemia, Dengue Virus Infection, Urinary Tract Infection, Syphilis, Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatoid Arthritis according to the signs and symptoms of the patients and the laboratory test result. Moreover, our team provided treatment for Non-Communicable Diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus, Ischemic Heart Disease and Hypertension.

Furthermore, patients with acute respiratory tract infection, gastritis, stone in common hepatic duct, kidney stone, eye infection such as chalazion, acute conjunctival infection, ear infection and much more were treated.

In October we had a dental student who helped our team to provide treatment to the patients with dental caries, shedding tooth for the children and medicated filling to those needed.

Our team also went to four schools and provided health education regarding personal hygiene and environmental sanitation, food and nutrition, ways to control Dengue Virus Infection, oral and dental health care to 429 students including the teachers. Moreover, we also provided some presents such as toothbrushes, toothpastes, mosquito repellent lotions and medicated soaps to them.

We were really lucky as this month we had a visite from the German Doctor Gabriela and her daughter Ms. Carolina. They visited our boat and joined in the medical group. Our team got invaluable knowledge from the experienced doctor like her, which is very much helpful in the operation of our medical trip. Our team provided routine AN care and ultrasound imaging to all pregnant women under the guidance of Dr. Gabiela. On 21st October, 2023, all our medical staff participated in a small group teaching on topics such as “Lower abdominal pain” by Dr. Gabiela, “Syphillis” by Ms. Carolina and “Hemolytic Disease of Newborn” by our Senior Medical Officer Dr. Lun.

In conclusion, thanks again to Artemed Stiftung and all donors for your continuous support and love for Myanmar operation. I am very happy to be able to work together with trust until today. I always pray for you and wishing you all the best.

With Best Regards!

Su Su @ Myanmar

With Best regards,

Su Su

Neuigkeiten aus dem Mutter-Kind-Zentrum, Bogale

Im Oktober wurden 16 Babies in unserem MCC geboren. Alle kamen gesund zur Welt. Insgesamt besuchten 211 Frauen zu Vorsorgeuntersuchungen das Zentrum. 13 kamen zur Nachkontrolle.

Alle 16 Babies wurden vorsorglich untersucht.

Schauen Sie doch auch mal in unsere Babygalerie: Hier werden alle Kinder, die im MCC geboren wurden, willkommen geheißen.

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