5. Februar 2023

Monatsbericht aus Myanmar: Su Sus News and Insights


Jeden Monat schickt uns unsere Projektleiterin in Myanmar Su Myat Oo (genannt Su Su) eine Zusammenfassung der Aktivitäten bei den Irrawaddy River Doctors und im Mutter-Kind-Zentrum. Darüber hinaus gewährt sie uns Einsichten in die aktuelle Lage im politisch instabilen Myanmar und welche Auswirkungen dies auf die Menschen vor Ort hat.

Wir geben ihren eindrucksvollen Bericht im Original in Englischer Sprache wieder. Hier sind ihre Beobachtungen für den Monat Dezember:

Dear Dr. Veronika,

I want to write a monthly overview report for IRD December trip. During the trip our team was able to provide medical treatment for 13 villages. I thank to God for guiding us healthy and happy until the end of 2022.

According to the ICD results, 2281 patients (children and adults) visited us for medical treatements, 770 of them were dental patients (34 %) and 63 pregnant women came to the boat for prenatal chech-ups. We did laboratory test for 42 of the pregnant women and further 166 for the other patiejnts. And total number of 690 children under 15 years (male and female) came for medical check-ups, medical treatments including dental treatment. And the total number of under one-year children was 25. Total deworming number for this month was 250.

In December trip,most poeple came due to Malaria, Dengue, Hepatitis, Syphilis, HIV, diabetes mellitus, coughing, respiratory infection and diseases of the skin. In the Dental Clinic we provided for the patients related with dental caries, periodontitis, gingivitis, sometimes oral ulcer and tongue ulcer due to sharp edges of the teeth or others. For the Filling procedure, composite filling, glass ionomer filling as temporary and sometimes Zinc Oxide eugenol were used as medicated filling.

I believed that 2022 year was the most challenging year for us. As you know, we faced many problems near the end of 2022. Sometimes destiny is really challenging for us, but I believe that we all learned from it, gained experience and will help us to deal with problematic situations in the future. Thank you very much for your kind support in this difficult situation.

During December we also visited three schools and we provided health education plans such as medical check-up and dental check-up in the education facilities, where we also distributed toothpaste and toothbrush, mosquito repellent lotion and hand washing soaps. This was our last service for 2022. But, in 2023 we plan more outreach activities for those villages because the authorities and teachers invited us to come and visit to their schools.

Although I can’t give you anything back, thank you very much for giving us X’mas gifts, X’mas dinner and the New Year budget. There is nothing we can do without your help. I believe that in the new year 2023, we will be able to do a lot of work together to help the people in Myanmar. I love you all and wishing God Bless you all.

With Best Regards,

Su Su @ Myanmar

With Best regards,

Su Su

Neuigkeiten aus dem Mutter-Kind-Zentrum, Bogale

Im November wurden sechs Mädchen und vier Jungs im MCC geboren. Alle Babies und deren Mütter sind wohl auf.

Schauen Sie doch auch mal in unsere Babygalerie: Hier werden alle Kinder, die im MCC geboren wurden, willkommen geheißen.

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