Jeden Monat schickt uns unsere Projektleiterin in Myanmar Su Myat Oo (genannt Su Su) eine Zusammenfassung der Aktivitäten bei den Irrawaddy River Doctors und im Mutter-Kind-Zentrum. Darüber hinaus gewährt sie uns Einsichten in die aktuelle Lage im politisch instabilen Myanmar und welche Auswirkungen dies auf die Menschen vor Ort hat.
Wir geben ihren eindrucksvollen Bericht im Original in Englischer Sprache wieder. Hier sind ihre Beobachtungen für den Monat August:
Dear Dr. Veronika,
I am writing a monthly overview report for our August trip, which we finished safely and completely on August 23rd. During the trip, our team was able to provide medical treatment to 13 villages. As you known, until now, Myanmar is still a politically unstable country. We encountered many inconveniences with working under the control of the military. However, we are working hard to focus on work and for those who need our treatment.
We treated a total amount of children and adults of 1210. This number includes both general patients (893; 74%) and dental patients (317; 26%). Additionally we checked 68 pregnant women. We did laboratory test for 50 of them. A total number of 197 (children < 15 years male and female) came for medical check-ups and treatment. And 24 children under one year visited our boat for medical treatment. Total deworming number for August is 183.
According to August ICD results, the most patient came due to Malaria, Dengue, Hepatitis, Syphilis, HIV, diabetes mellitus, coughing, respiratory infection, disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and more. In the dental clinic we treated among other things dental caries, periodontitis, gingivitis, sometimes oral ulcer and tongue ulcer due to sharp edges of the teeth.
In August we didn’t get as many patients as we thought. The reasons therefore is probably the bad weather: it is raining heavily and it is difficult for the people to go outside.
On August 24th our staff went back to their home and rest a week for their holidays. Now, we are planning and preparing for September trip. We have to buy and prepare for the next trip.
The last thing I want to say is we thanks to Artemed Stiftung and all generous donors. We are still able to operate because of your help and continue support. We hope to see you soon.
- Im Untersuchungsraum
- Bei einer Untersuchung
- Schwangerschaftsvorsorge
- ‚Polly‘
- Wartende Patienten
- Bei einem Ultraschall
With Best regards,
Su Su
Neuigkeiten aus dem Mutter-Kind-Zentrum, Bogale
Im August wurde das Mutter-Kind-Zentrum insgesamt 226 Mal von Frauen zur Behandlung besucht. Davon kamen sechs zum Entbinden, 126 zur Schwangerschaftsvorsorge und drei zur Nachkontrolle. Die verbleibenden 91 Patienten suchten das Zentrum wegen anderer Beschwerden auf. Die 37 Mädchen und Jungen kamen zu Untersuchungen´. Bei 26 wurde eine Unterernährung festgestellt.