Jeden Monat schickt uns unsere Projektleiterin in Myanmar Su Myat Oo (genannt Su Su) eine Zusammenfassung der Aktivitäten bei den Irrawaddy River Doctors und im Mutter-Kind-Zentrum. Darüber hinaus gewährt sie uns Einsichten in die aktuelle Lage im politisch instabilen Myanmar und welche Auswirkungen dies auf die Menschen vor Ort hat.
Wir geben ihren eindrucksvollen Bericht im Original in Englischer Sprache wieder. Hier sind ihre Beobachtungen für den Monat Juli:
Dear Dr. Veronika,
Our July trip had finished safely on July 27th. Nowadays, there is a lot of rain and wind in Irrawaddy region. Therefore, our team had to cancel the visit the two village ‚Bye Sa Khan‘ and ‚Pyat Pyae‘ . After the rainy season, those villages will continue to receive medical treatment.
According to July trip schedule, the trip started on July 8th. We visited about 12 villages. A total amount of children and adults’ patients about 1419 patients have been treated. As the result list, including both general patients (1037) and dental patients (382) and we checked 79 pregnancy women came to our boat for AN care. 64 laboratory tests for pregnant women have been done. And total number of under 15 years male and memale (226) children came for medical check-ups and treatment. A total number of 30 of under one-year children visited our boat for medical treatment. Total deworming number for July 2022 is 189.
According to July ICD result, the most provided disease are Malaria, Dengue, Hepatitis, Syphilis, HIV, diabetes mellitus, coughing, respiratory infection, disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, Arthropathies e.g., joint swelling, joint pain, and dorsopathies e.g., neck pain, lumbar back pain, kidney disease, prostate disease, pregnancy (AN Care), childbirth and puerperium, symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, headache, fever case, stomachache and duodenum.
In the Dental Clinic, we treated patients with dental caries, periodontitis, gingivitis, sometimes oral ulcer and tongue ulcer. For the filling procedure, composite filling, glass ionomer filling as temporary and sometimes Zinc Oxide eugenol were used.
Now, our team started medical treatment for August trip. Our boat is now in Kha Naung(Shan Kwin) village. I want to know you that’s we are happy to get a new Medical Officer (MO) able to come on boat for August trip. Our former doctor (MO) left work at the end of July trip. And we are happy, our Dentist is come back and able to go at the beginning of August trip.
For the August trip, we plan to distribute toothbrush, toothpaste and mosquito repellent lotion for some school.
I would like to thankful to Artemed Stiftung for your support and love. Our team is very happy to hear the news that you will be visiting to Myanmar.
Here are some pictures of the treatments:
- Patientenaufnahme
- Im Eingangsbereich
- Im Untersuchungsraum
- Bei einer zahnärztlichen Behandlung
- Im Wartebereich
- Beim Blutdruckmessen
With Best regards,
Su Su
Neuigkeiten aus dem Mutter-Kind-Zentrum, Bogale
Im Juli wurde das Mutter-Kind-Zentrum insgesamt 239 Mal von Frauen zur Behandlung besucht. Davon kamen vier zum Entbinden, 80 zur Schwangerschaftsvorsorge und fünf zur Nachkontrolle. Die verbleibenden 150 Patienten suchten das Zentrum wegen anderer Beschwerden auf. Die Anzahl der Kinder, die das MCC im Juli besuchten stieg stark an: 79 Mädchen und Jungen unter zehn Jahren kamen zu Untersuchungen (im Juni waren es noch unter 10 Kinder). Viele von Ihnen leiden unter Mangelernährung und weisen BMI- Werte von < 16 auf.